I was diagnosed with a Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET)/Carcinoid Cancer in June of 2012. I had never heard of this type of cancer before.
Most cancer organizations do not lend support for research or awareness of this particular cancer. So, those
of us who are being diagnosed are trying to raise awareness.
NOVEMBER 10th is NET Cancer Day to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancers around the world.
What you may not know is this: This cancer usually goes undetected or misdiagnosed for years, because assumptions are made. Doctors are taught that when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not Zebras. The hoofbeats that are heard in our cases ARE zebras, not horses. In other words, we are not the obvious.
There is no cure. Only rarely can a tumor can be cut out and all is good. Most of us are diagnosed at the Stage IV level when it has already metastasized to our livers and other organs. In some cases, radiation and chemotherapy are not usually an option. I am grateful that this is usually a relatively slow-growing cancer.
KNOWLEDGE is power. I ask that you make it your mission to learn. Go to the NET cancer/Zebra/Carcinoid pages and learn more. Talk to others about their stories/experiences. LEARN more and more and more.
Please make the zebra ribbon as recognizable as the other ribbons. It starts with you committing to tell someone else’s story…and keep telling it.
It is so important to raise awareness with others. And please support those you know, and show love to the people in your life…cancer or no cancer.
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