Thursday, April 11, 2013

Want some cheese with that "whine"?

This might be one of the posts I don't actually publish because I am going to wine whine... and yes, I will have some cheese with my wine whine!  I don't consider myself a complainer but I have my permission to do so today.

I'm tired.  I'm in pain.  I'm at work and I'm bored....  I want to go home and take a nap!

Day 4 of antibiotics.  I'm not sure how long it should take for them to start working.  I didn't ask. The pain has been different every day.  Yesterday it was a pulling, tearing pain when I reached for something or stood up or sat down, etc.  Today it is a constant throbbing pain in my ribs liver.  I might as well call it what it really is and that is LIVER pain (ok, I know the liver has no nerves but the swelling causes pressure on other vessels that do). I am thinking that this is what it will feel like when my liver tumors get big enough to hurt.  Not a fun thought.  I am being morbid.  Someday, unless I die of something else first (old age), my liver tumors will cause me pain. I will most likely die from liver failure.  I hear it's not a bad way to go and I did watch my mom die from it.  (I warned you I was going to be morbid, right?)

I'm am giving the antibiotics until Monday.  If I'm not much, much better, I will call the doctor.  I hope and pray this works because I do not want to have any needles stuck in my liver to suck out the abscesses.  Ick.

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