Sunday, April 14, 2013

Feeling better!

Just a quick post that I am feeling much, much better!  Day 5 showed improvement and today (7) are pretty much pain -free.  The antibiotics seem to be working.  I'm so relieved.  I was getting worried they were not going to work and I was going to end up back in the hospital.

I am feeling so much better that I went out to the barn yesterday and got my horse, Abbie, out for the first time in almost 8 weeks (for me, not her--she is worked daily or turned out).  It felt really good just to get to brush her and spend some time with her.  I'm so wanting to try and ride!  I think I'll go sit on her one day this week after my trainer rides her so she's sure to be quiet.  Just see how it feels.  Start slow.... 


  1. Testing to see if comments show up.

  2. Hi Sharon,

    Glad to see that you are feeling better! Antibiotics really are wonder drugs! Stay well.

