Thursday, July 18, 2013

House MD

One of my favorite shows was House.  I'm sad it was cancelled.  I had heard that they had "touched" on Carcinoid Cancer on several episodes.  I found this list on another blog and thought I would share it here.

Season 1 Episode 3 "Occam's Razor" (Chase hypothesizes patient has a carcinoid)
Season 1 Episode 5 "Damned if You Do" (Cameron hypothesizes patient has a carcinoid)
Season 1 Episode 14 "Control" (Wilson does a CT scan to rule out carcinoid)
Season 5 Episode 10 "Let Them Eat Cake" (Kutner hypothesizes patient has a carcinoid)
Season 5 Episode 18 "Here Kitty" - (Final diagnosis - by House of course - is carcinoid tumor of the appendix)

I'm going to be doing some old episode watching soon.

3 days before my colonoscopy that found my cancer, I watched another show.  It was about a doctor who was in a coma but his "spirit or soul" walked around the hospital helping other patients get diagnosed and saved.  One of these patients was a young boy about 8 to 10.  He kept having "attacks" that would eventually cause him to pass out and his heart would stop.  It was diagnosed as Carcinoid Tumor.  Of course, they did a quick surgery and declared him "cured".  I cannot remember the name of the show.  It was just so strange that less than a week later, I would be diagnosed with the same thing!  Perhaps it was a "pretense" of things to come.  If i can find the name of the show, I will post it.  

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