Monday, March 31, 2014

A quickie!

I've been trying to get here to give a quick update for a week!  This is not about cancer... well, not really.

I always think of good post topics when I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep--then I can't remember them in much detail the next day.

I just started my third week at my new job.  3rd week!  Crazy how time goes by so fast (too fast).  Last week was very stressful/busy.  I'm working on budget stuff and it took two full days and I'm still not done. Numbers aren't my forte.

I've been feeling pretty good physically.  Some big "D" but I think it was mostly from stress.  I think I mentioned that my doc gave me some short-acting octreotide in case I need it. I haven't tried it yet.  The nurse told me how to give myself a shot but she didn't actually do it.  I'm a little hesitant but know its really not a big deal.

I go in tomorrow for my shot.  I'm working the "early" shift so I get off at 4.  I go in around 4:30 for my shots so this way I won't have to tell them (ever) that I have to go get a shot every 28 days!  I'm hoping to stay healthy enough to go a couple of years (at least) without telling my work anything.  Of course, I'm working for a Health Plan so it seems a little weird to have such a major disease and be working basically for an insurance company.  Right now, I've picked their alternate plan (BCBS) and not their own because I would have to change oncologists and the cancer clinic that I go too.  My current one is much, much closer.  If I'd known I would be getting off early, I could have switched and I still can since open enrollment is in May.  It is half the cost (to me) for their plan than the BCBS plan.

On a very sad note, a fellow blogger, Stage IV, Jessica Rice, passed away.  She was 33. She had lung cancer.  Just too, too young to die!

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