I saw my oncologist last week. No changes in my liver tumors! Still friends with miss Mable. I had two interesting things on my scan though. The First was a sub-acute right rib fracture of the eight rib. Now I know where that pain was coming from! I know when I did it too but not why it fractured. I bent over to move bucket of water and something "popped" in my ribs. It hurt like hell and still does. I thought that perhaps I popped a muscle. My oncologist didn't even mention it. I saw it when I asked to read the report. Then I asked him. It was the very first comment. I think he only reads the
conclusion at the end... When I did say something, then he asked me if I fell. I was like "no". He said it didn't have bearing on my cancer so???
The other interesting (funny) thing of note was a "new globular soft tissue density in the left buttock subcutaneous tissues. Hahaha. It could be a Sando shot that didn't go deep enough into the muscle (what a waste of money). If it get bigger (it's 1.6 cm) then we will know if it is or not. I did mention my heart palpitations. He said nothing about the EKG I had. He seemed
clueless unconcerned about that even though carcinoid can cause them. It really makes me miss my old oncologist. I'm debating on whether or not to switch centers so I can go back to him.
Not my ribs! 8th rib is the one I fractured! |
The next day I had an appointment with my GP (she's an internist) for a prescription refill (I hate having to go into the doctor just to get a refill but some meds require a yearly visit I guess). I told her about the heart palps, the rib fracture and she was concerned. She was going to pull up my old Holter monitor results and echo cardiogram from 2012. She wanted me to do the Holter monitor but when I told her I had and how big a pain it was she said she'd "see". She also said fracturing my rib that way is NOT normal. Wants me to have a DEXA scan to check my bone density. I'm getting that on Wednesday. Hope my bones are ok.
Oh, forgot. When I got my Sandostatin shot, the needle clogged. Not once, but twice! She has to stick me 3 times!!! I've never, ever had a needle clog.
All-in-all, good news. Me and Mable will hang out for as long as we can!