Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Its been a while...

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted anything!  There just hasn't been much going on medically for me to mention.  That's a good thing, right?

I did have my every six months blood work done in July.  My results were all good!  My pancreastatin went back down.  It was at the very top of "normal" at 135 last time and now it's back down to 76.  They forgot to do my Chromogranin A so I have to go back in next week for it so that we have the results when I meet with my oncologist mid-Sept (for the last time... sigh--he's leaving for another hospital).  I don't know if it's really important to do it since my pancreastatin was normal though but I am curious to see what it is.  I'm sure it will still be normal.

I saw a PA last week.  It was probably a waste of time/money since I see my oncologist next month but they wanted me to see him since I was originally supposed to see the oncologist but he was out of the office that week.  I had planned on cancelling the appointment with the PA depending on my blood test results but I kept forgetting.  I did ask the PA who he thought I should see since my onc is leaving.  He told me about a new oncologist that he really likes but this Dr. is only there once a week so I'm not sure that will work out with my shot schedule.  I'm planning on asking when I see my doc.  He's moving up to Huntsman Cancer Institute, which is an excellent cancer hospital that does a lot of research.  He wants to focus on that more and spend time with his family (so I was told--I'll get the real story from him)!

I've started a new prescription for my hot flashes and mild depression.  Paxil.  It's helped decrease the number of hot flashes but not stopped them completely.  I haven't decided if the side effects are worth it although they have gotten better.  Dry mouth and occasional nausea is all I've been having since the first week.  The first week was bad.  Lots of nausea and a constant headache.

Am I depressed?  I think I was a bit depressed.  Not super bad but someday's I just wanted to go back to bed.  That's hard to do when you have to work full-time.  I do think I'm feeling better--more positive.  I'm still super tired most of the time but it seems to come and go.  I'll give the Paxil 6 months.  I know it is hard to stop taking and you have to wean yourself off so we shall see.  I do have a follow-up with my GP who prescribed it in November.

On a funny, not medical note, my dog, Sookie, who is 6 years old and has never destroyed anything decided that my invisalign-type retainer was just too much to resist.  I had taken it out in the middle of the night and set it on my nightstand.  I guess she just had to have it and chewed it all up into little bitty pieces!  I've had it for about as long as I've had her so it was past time for a new one.  Still, really?  Calling the orthodontist and telling them that your dog ate your retainer?  It's actually not that unusual.  He said they can't resist them...  It's worked out for the best because my front teeth have moved a little bit and with a new retainer, we may be able to get them to move back!  I go tomorrow to pick it up.  It's not a invisalign retainer but the old hard plastic, metal bar type.  It'll have springs on it to move my teeth.  I hope I can get used to wearing it.  I had one like it when I first got my braces off and it wasn't too bad.  Below is Sookie.  She's a Havanese.  Best.Dog.Ever!



  1. Hi Sharon - Can't see my blog on your 'Blogs I follow' list :-) I'm kidding of course! Keep fighting!

    1. Hahaha! I've trie to add it but it's not showing. I need to do some technical sleuthing to figure out why. Yours, Kats and another!!!

    2. I fixed it! I don't know why it didn't work last time...

  2. GMP manufacturing as well as catalog products for customers in industry and research area. Pancreastatin
