Friday, August 8, 2014

Normal is...normal!

It took me 20 minutes to get logged into my blog.  Loooonnnnnnngggg story.  I almost gave up.  Sometimes I feel like "why bother".  Not that many people read my blog--not that I blame them.  I don't have much to say and not much is going on in my cancer-land.  Then I remember those few who have reached out to me and said "thank you--your blog has help me!"  Ah, that is music to my ears and why I started a blog in the first place!  I don't talk much about my day-to-day life because this isn't what this blog is about and is not the purpose of it.  I wanted an easy way to update family and friends on my medical condition and to help other suffering with this or any type of cancer.

So, getting back to my post title, normal!  All my bio-markers (or tumor markers) came back NORMAL!  Awesome news right?  Well then why do I feel so unsettled?  I guess because deep down inside I really need that scan, that peek inside, to tell me everything is OK.  I am still on the fence about asking for a scan. I want one but I also think that everything is fine.  Maybe better than fine.  Maybe my little tumors decided to vacate the property (of my liver) and disa-fucking-peer!  That would be funtastic!

This is what I've decided (for the moment anyway):

  1. I am not going to worry about it.  I will see what my oncologist says.  
  2. I will voice my concerns (hey, nothing growing in the liver but what about elsewhere? Even though I know what his answer will be--which is "whatever is there is small so what are you going to do about it?)...
  3. If I wait, how much longer do we wait?  6 months?  3?  4? 5?
That's about it.  No major issues really.  Oh, my heart palpitations have been going crazy the last week or so--until today.  Today they have not bothered me at all.  Weird.  I don't know what they are related too.  If they continue, I will mention it to my oncologist.  He said if they came back he would send me to a cardiologist.

I've found a new GP.  I have an appointment next week.  I just need my thyroid meds refilled and I forgot to have my OBGYN check it before my insurance changed.  I HATE going to a new doctor just for that but I saw another doctor in this practice years and years ago--he's no longer there (I was sad cause when I found his name on my insurance I was very happy).  I really liked this doc.  This was about ten years ago. I remember his nurse was in with me before the doctor came in and when she saw that both my parents had colon cancer, she told me I MUST go get a colonoscopy NOW.  I wonder if I had, would they have found my cancer then while it was still small and hadn't spread?  Could I have been CURED?  I will never know.... and it doesn't really matter now anyway.  

So, this new doc.  I am going to ask him for my complete thyroid panel, Hydroxy 25 Vit. D test and I will talk to him about my heart palps but my guess is once he see's that I have carcinoid, he won't want to deal with anything outside the normal stuff. Maybe my blood pressure too--it's a little higher than it was pre-cancer.  Used to be low and now I'm definitely in the pre-hypertension to hypertension range. I also need to go have my yearly mammogram.  I'm about a month past due.  I dont' have anyone to send the results to so I decided to wait.  I will get this new doc to order it for me.  I'm not sure with my new insurance where I can go.  I hope I can go to the same place but its doubtful--they don't play well with outside insurance.  I just don't know how they compare them if they don't have them, you know?  I'm not worried about it.  I'd skip it this year but I'm so lumpy I don't think I'd know if I had a "new" lump to be concerned about.  

My results of the Neurokinin A test was..... 20!  Remember, less than 50 is the desirable range!!!  My Pancreastatin was also in the normal range!  It was a little above normal last time so it's come down even more!  This is such good news all around!  

Thanks for reading!



  1. Sounds like you are in good shape! I am also pretty stable with no carcinoid drama in my life now and finding my posts to be more infrequent.

  2. I read your blog every now and then. Keep blogging away! Even those who don't comment are reading. Hope things are good in your part of the world today.
