Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The "F" word. No, not that one...

Not that word.... the Fatigue word!  I am so, so, so tired!  I hear a lot about chemo induced fatigue.  I can't imagine what that is like because this is bad.  I'm on 3 meds that all list fatigue as a side-effect.  I really think it's the progesterone but I'm not sure...

My OB had me double up on my progesterone (to stop or reduce my bleeding) until I have the uterine ablation and I think it is causing me extreme fatigue.  I am so very tired.  I can barley function or keep my eyes open!  I debated cutting back to the "normal" dose but I'm trying to tough-it out. I'm not sure it's worth it.  I'll give it another day or two and then drop my dose back down.  I've had the bleeding so long now it won't matter for two more weeks.  I'd rather feel better than feel like I'm living in a fish bowl.

I'm still having a pain in my lower right side.  I think it's the cyst(?) they mentioned on my last scan. Sometimes it feels like a burning pain and at others it just throbs.  I'm going to tell my doc when I go in for my pre-op on Friday (next).  Maybe she can take a quick look via ultrasound.  I'm sure it's nothing but once you are diagnosed with CANCER, it makes you worry about everything.  Cancer patients do have a higher chance of getting a second cancer than those without cancer.  It just is what it is....

OK... I wrote the above a week ago.  I am still very, very tired!  I continued to take the double dose of progesterone until today.  I went to refill it yesterday and the pharmacy said my insurance wouldn't let me until next week.  The day of my procedure.  I won't need it after that! ARGH.... they told me I would have to have my doc call in the dosage change.  I sent her a message about it but haven't heard back.  I only have 3 pills left so I'm taking two today and one in the morning (I've been taking two in the a.m. and two in the p.m).  My pre-op appointment is tomorrow so I will ask her what she wants me to do.  I'm curious to know if she thinks its the progesterone making me tired.  I can't remember when my fatigue started. Before or after I doubled-up?  I hope its the medication and not something else because I want to feel better!  I just hope this ablation works.  Wednesday is the day.  The hospital called today to get me registered and fill out my "Health History".  Hey, I'm not having surgery, it's just a "procedure"...  I guess it doesn't matter.  I still don't know if they are going to use "conscious sedation" or general.  I'm sure it's propopherol--just like when I had my colonoscopy.  I am nervous about it.  I don't know why.  Here I've had two major surgeries and I wasn't that nervous but here I'm going for a same-day procedure and I'm worried about it.  I'm worried about possible complications.  I think I will feel better after I get all the details tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day!  Ablation city... :)

I found this today:

It is a Zebra made out of Lego's!  Its at the Houston Zoo.  So cute!

My appointment with my doctor last Friday was mainly to just sign the release forms.  She told me that she'll scrape my uterus and sent that to pathology.  Just to be sure that there isn't anything else going on (more cancer).  I sure hope it isn't.  Then she will ablate the lining with a laser!  I still don't know if it will be general anesthesia or not.   It is up to the anesthesiologist.

I still don't know what time I have to be there.  They are supposed to call me anytime now.  She has two other procedures and wants to do mine last so that we're sure to have the octreotide on hand.  Her other procedures shouldn't take long.  I'm hoping it'll be before noon though!  It is hard to not have anything to drink for that long.  Not eating doesn't bother me but no coffee?  Sad...

On the "fatigue" front, I am still really tired but I think it's a bit better. No progesterone now for 4 days.  Not sure how long it take to get out of your system.  Not long I think.

I will let you know how it goes....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mother Teresa's Humility List

I saw this on another blog "The Silver Pen" and wanted to share it with you.  Thank you Hollye for sharing this with your readers.  The Silver Pen is a fantastic blog if you are interested.  Hollye shares her breast cancer journey and SO MUCH MORE!

I hope that you are as inspired by Mother Teresa’s Humility List as I am!
  1. Speak as little as possible about yourself.
  2. Keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others.
  3. Avoid curiosity (though I don’t think that she is referring to learning, here)
  4. Do not interfere in the affairs of others.
  5. Accept small irritations with good humor.
  6. Do not dwell on the faults of others.
  7. Accept censures even if unmerited.
  8. Give in to the will of others.
  9. Accept insults and injuries.
  10. Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded.
  11. Be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone.
  12. Do not seek to be admired and loved.
  13. Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity.
  14. Give in, in discussions, even when you are right.
  15. Choose always the more difficult task.
I need to work on these!  

Monday, August 12, 2013

Not much...

Not much to report.  I guess that is a good thing.  I did get my pancreastatin back.  It was 119 so less than half of what it was!  I'm not sure what the normal range is.  It doesn't say and I haven't been back to the clinic to ask.  I think it is <100.  We will watch this one as it can be a more sensitive marker to show tumor progression.

Warning:  Girlie talk....
I have the uterine ablation scheduled for the end-of-the-month!  Yeah!  Still bleeding and I'm so sick of it.  I have to go in for a pre-op appointment the Friday before so I'll find out more then--like how exactly she will do it.  I know there are different techniques such as using a laser to burn the lining off or hot liquid to literally "boil" the lining of the uterus.  I'm glad I'm going to be "out" for it!  I don't know if it will be general anesthesia (doubtful) or conscious sedation (most likely).  All I care about it that I won't feel anything or remember anything (hopefully).  Of course, with Carcinoid Cancer there is always a risk of Carcinoid Crisis--this is where your blood pressure and/or temperature can plummet or go sky high and cause cardiac arrest.  This is why I have to have this procedure done in the OR.  Usually, it is an "in-office" procedure.  Octreotide can be given before, during and after procedures to help prevent Carcinoid Crisis but I don't know if I've ever needed it or gotten it during either of my surgeries (I know they had it on hand).  I know that I never had any issues during my liver surgery because I asked.  I'm not sure about my first surgery, the right-hemicolectomy. I doubt I had any problems.  Now that my tumor burden is very low, I would be surprised if I had any problems with the procedure but you never know.  My OBGYN is so on-top of everything, I'm sure she will take precautions (and I'm going to ask).  It would be my luck to have issues for a simple procedure but not major surgery!

Everything else is going OK. I've been very, very, very tired.  I'm not sure why. I am not (or at least I wasn't) anemic.  I guess I could be getting there.  I sleep pretty good.  This morning I felt like I was drugged.  I didn't even think I should be driving.  Luckily, it only takes me about 10 minutes to get to work.  I felt better by about 10am.  I just want to go home and lay down.  I don't usually nap but I think I might try tonight.  I just don't want to screw up my night-time sleep, you know?  I have no idea if this fatigue is related to the cancer or medication.  I think it's probably medication.  I take 3 drugs and they all list fatigue as a possible side-affect.  At least after my ablation I should be able to stop taking the progesterone.  I don't care if the hot flashes come back.  I can deal with those (I think).

I'll keep you posted on the procedure.  I don't, at this time, even know what time it is scheduled for!  I hope not too early!  I am not a morning person.  Of course, I don't want it to be too late in the day as I won't be able to eat or drink anything.  I'm hoping and praying for good results.  My only other option would be a hysterectomy and I really don't want another major surgery!