I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
I have a blood draw in early January to check my CgA and pancreastatin. It's been six months. Depending on those results, we'll decide whether to do a scan or not. I don't expect my levels to have changed, or if they have, not by much. I have no symptoms to speak of. My one concern is that we know these tumors don't usually spew out their hormones that show up in these tests until it's in your liver (usually, depending on the primary tumor site--lung & ovarian tumors are a few of the exceptions) but what if I have tumors outside my liver? Do we just not worry about those? I think not but that's the feeling I get (sometimes) from my oncologist. He did say once that anything else that shows up is going to be so small so what would you do about it? Cut it out!
These are just the thoughts that
This isn't turning out to be a very positive Christmas post...
I had a moment. I wanted to add this fantastic post on CURE magazine by one of my favorite bloggers, Tori Tomalia. A young mother of 3 with Stage IV lung cancer.
It's the best "recipe" ever! Thanks Tori!
Blessings all!