Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Google Scanxiety and you will actually get a definition: Anxiety suffered while waiting for the results of an important medical scan.

My definition: Anxiety suffered while waiting to get the scan!

I met with my oncologist yesterday and while everything seems fine, he did say that I should have a scan now rather than wait. I was a little surprised because at our last visit he said I could wait as long as my tumor markers remained "normal." This time he said he wouldn't want me to go longer than a year, which it has been as of Monday.

I am actually relieved to be getting a scan. Even though my markers and other blood work are good, I still want to "see" what is going on, if anything. Better to know that I am still stable than to wonder if I am. I don't trust tumor markers to show everything. However, even with the relief, there is anxiety. You just never know. He also told me I could get it within the next couple of weeks, like no hurry. Then he told the nurse to schedule it "now." NOW? Did he feel something when he palpated my abdomen and just didn't want to say anything? Then I remembered that we discussed getting the scan before he examined me. I'm sure he just told her to go ahead and schedule it now, not meaning urgent but to get it done since I may have had to wait a couple of weeks to get in. Well... that ain't the case. I go in Monday morning at, gulp, 7am! I'm not too thrilled about that but at least I'll be done early and can get to work. This is at a different hospital than I've had my other scans. This is at the hospital where I had my mammogram. Its a nice place and I'm sure it will be fine.

Keep your fingers crossed for good results!

Also, today is World Cancer Day.


  1. I love these compounded words! Glad to hear you're relieved to be getting a scan. Ive always believed NET Patients should embrace scans as the provide important information, e.g. everything is OK (stable) or something is wrong and needs fixing! You can't change the outcome of the scan by being anxious about it, so why worry!

    I'm looking forward to my next one! Best of luck with the outcome and hope everything is OK.

    cheers Sharon

  2. You are so right Ronny! We can't change the outcome so why worry? Good point! Thanks.
