Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Onc Appointment

I had my "visit" with my oncologist yesterday.  My very own Dr. W.  (not the esteemed Dr. Woltering, a Carcinoid Specialist).  I do really like my oncologist.  He definitely is not an alarmist.  We had a good visit.  Since all my labs are normal (he was very pleased), we discussed the scan-or-not-to-scan.  His reasoning behind waiting is that when you have a lot of scans closer together, the radiologist will compare the new scan to the last scan and may not notice much difference but if you wait a year (or more) then any growth will be easily noted (I guess we just hope it's not a lot of growth).  I'm not really one to argue with a doctor so since I am feeling well, with minimal to no side-effects, then I am just going to wait another six months.  We will re-do labs and take it from there.  If I have any increase in symptoms, then I'm to call him.  Of course, I'll be in every 4 weeks for my butt dart (Sandostatin shot).  On that note, I had a nurse I have never seen before give me my shot an she was awesome!  She did it super, super slow (I know that can increase the chance of the needle clogging but it didn't) and I didn't feel it at all!  I have very little discomfort.  No leg pain.  Yeah!


  1. Thank you for blogging- it means a lot to this fellow journeyer. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. My husband was recently diagnosed with a stage 2 neuroendocrine tumor. He was told a whipple procedure should be all that he needs. He is very scared about his quality of life after surgery. Any words of wisdom?

    1. I've tried to reply twice cac081994! I don't know if you received them. If not, I just want to say that I'm leary of any doctor saying you are cured with this cancer! I know that it is possible though. Where is your husband primary? Do you know his KI-67? Also, does he suffer from any carcinoid syndrome?
